Moving day is just a few days away, and I am busily trying to sort through all my belongings in an attempt to get rid of/pack stuff. I can't understand how people move entire houses full of their belongings; I'm struggling just packing up a few boxes of clothes. Anyway, I move next Tuesday. While I must admit I'm somewhat sad to leave this 'lively' house, which despite my complaints,has been a lot of fun at times, I'm more than ready to move onto an apartment. Particularly because for the first month, I have the place all to myself! Excellent.
**Cheesy couple moment warning**
Edd has finally booked his flight over for his internship year here in Canada. He arrives Canada Day (July 1), which is symbolic for us. We kind of 'officially' became a couple at 12:01, January 1 2004, in Auckland, NZ and it seems like the 1st of the month has been a reoccuring theme for us ever since. I arrived on July 1 in Germany to visit Edd after 6 months to the day since he left New Zealand. We spent our 1 year anniversary together in Vancouver, New Year's Eve/Day. Now Edd is coming on the 1st of July, which is perfectly fitting. I can't believe we've been waiting a year and a half for us to finally be a 'real-time' couple. It's about freaking time.
** End cheesy couple moment**
I went to Wonderland last weekend with Amy and put my Season's Pass to good use. Unsurprisingly, the line ups were massive as it was the long weekend, but we still managed to enjoy ourselves regardless. We didn't get a chance to go on the Italian Job, which is the newest ride, but that's why I have a pass! To spend all my unemployed free time at an amusement park. Luckily, due to my lax schedule, I can go on a weekday next time and spare myself all that pointless waiting.