So recently, a slew of people I know became engaged. My sister's friends have long been getting engaged, as they're all about 5 or so years my senior, but I thought I was still too young to be entering the stage in my life where *my* friends were starting to get married (beyond the anomaly that is Laura and Hamish).
But over the holiday break, 3 couples I know got engaged. So congratulations to (in no particular order) Kat and Mike in Auckland, Cassandra and Joe in BC, and Shannon and Greig at home. I am genuinely very thrilled for my friends that have found the people they want to spend a long-term portion of their life with. Go you guys!
However, all this amour has brought my own relationship insecurities to light. Why can't I just be *happy* in a relationship? Why am I so all over the map with what I want out of it all? Is it fair to blame my own parents' for my commitment-phobia, when I see how unhappy their marriage was? Blah. It's not my style to post about my intimate thoughts, but for once I want people to know that I am relationshiply-challenged.
28 January 2006
27 January 2006
Hip-hop Kitty
17 January 2006
Happy New Year.
So I was on a temporary hiatus from blogging over the past few weeks. Alas, I shall now update you all as to what I did over that time:

We did some of the other requisite activities one does in NYC, but the throngs of tourists who had descended upon the city for the Holiday season combined with our general overall apathy towards American culture meant we weren't too fussed in doing more than eating and wandering the streets. If you wish, you may look at the photos from the trip here.
I went to New York City with Ben to visit my friend Hayden. Had a fabulous time, staying in Brooklyn in Hayden's flat (thanks, H!) and enjoying the sights and sounds of Bushwick. Seriously, the neighbourhood we were staying in was straight out of the movies. Hasidic Jews walking around, subway tracks overhead with sparks flying onto pedestrians below, sketchy dealings occuring around us. I wanted to take a photo to capture the surreality of it all, but I decided I didn't want to have my camera stolen, as we stuck out enough in a socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhood. Here is a photo of me taking in the local culture:

We did some of the other requisite activities one does in NYC, but the throngs of tourists who had descended upon the city for the Holiday season combined with our general overall apathy towards American culture meant we weren't too fussed in doing more than eating and wandering the streets. If you wish, you may look at the photos from the trip here.
My mother also came to visit me in Toronto over the holiday. It was actually unexpected until 2 weeks before she was due to arrive, but a welcome surprise. She's the type of woman who never gets sick; I can count the number of times I've seen her sick in my lifetime on one hand. Of course she was sick the entire time she was in Toronto. As a result, we didn't really do much outside of the flat so there's not much to say about this... She is now in Greece for the next two months, visiting friends and family, so I guess better she was sick here than there.
Classes have re-started, and this semester promises to be better than the last one. The classes are more engaging, my schedule is much lighter, and the weather should only improve as we approach the summer season. I am taking a really interesting course called Aboriginals and the Environment, which I have been looking forward to for a long time. My interest in this area of Geography was piqued when I was in NZ and I saw how Maori consultation was required in order for resource consents to be granted under the Resource Management Act. Translation for non-geographers: in order for any structures to be developed or altered signficantly, consultation with local Maori is compulsory. It's about freaking time Canada incorporates indigenous beliefs and practices into its Environmental Management.
And I passed Statistics! By a lot! Hooray for me! I am so relieved that I am not mathematically retarded. This means that I'm on track to finish this summer (can you believe it's only been like... 5 years?)
On a bittersweet note, Nelly, our beloved foster cat of 7 months was finally adopted last Wednesday to a wonderful couple. I know she is going to be happy with them, and that they will give her all the cuddles and treats she deserves (well, maybe fewer treats would benefit her pudgy tummy). And I also know that her story is the entire reason we volunteer with the Annex Cat Rescue: to take cats who are homeless and match them with a loving, permanent home. But it doesn't make saying good-bye to her any easier. Bye-bye, kitty.

However, we have a new foster cat to occupy our time (and distract us from doing any actual work). His name is The Colonel, and he too was once a street cat. He is pretty awesome. His meow is the highest pitch meow I've ever heard, which is funny because he was apparently the tough leader of a group of cats, hence his name. . He is very affectionate, and likes to spoon in bed. But The Colonel's story isn't all good news. He has Feline Leukemia, which not unlike the human strain, is essentially terminal. Unlike human Leukemia, there is a vaccine for FeLv, but unfortunately street cats aren't privy to proper medical treatment in time (i.e. before they contract the illness). Despite his medical condition, he is energetic and entertaining.
A bien tot...
And I passed Statistics! By a lot! Hooray for me! I am so relieved that I am not mathematically retarded. This means that I'm on track to finish this summer (can you believe it's only been like... 5 years?)
On a bittersweet note, Nelly, our beloved foster cat of 7 months was finally adopted last Wednesday to a wonderful couple. I know she is going to be happy with them, and that they will give her all the cuddles and treats she deserves (well, maybe fewer treats would benefit her pudgy tummy). And I also know that her story is the entire reason we volunteer with the Annex Cat Rescue: to take cats who are homeless and match them with a loving, permanent home. But it doesn't make saying good-bye to her any easier. Bye-bye, kitty.

However, we have a new foster cat to occupy our time (and distract us from doing any actual work). His name is The Colonel, and he too was once a street cat. He is pretty awesome. His meow is the highest pitch meow I've ever heard, which is funny because he was apparently the tough leader of a group of cats, hence his name. . He is very affectionate, and likes to spoon in bed. But The Colonel's story isn't all good news. He has Feline Leukemia, which not unlike the human strain, is essentially terminal. Unlike human Leukemia, there is a vaccine for FeLv, but unfortunately street cats aren't privy to proper medical treatment in time (i.e. before they contract the illness). Despite his medical condition, he is energetic and entertaining.
A bien tot...
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