04 November 2004

Presidential Election.

In light of the recent events with the US election, I wanted to post an email I received from my wonderful American friend, Dan. Sadly, Dan lives in Austin, Texas - a liberal city surrounded by an ultra-conversvative and fundamentalist state. Feel sorry for Dan....

Dear everyone I know,

This is mostly for my friends who live outside the United States. I'm
sorry. I'm sorry that my country just said in a clear voice that we
hate homosexuals, that we don't care about global peace, that we want
women to get abortions in back allies with wire hangers, and that global
economic stability is not of real concern. The US is now under
"Christan" control. Soon Justice Jesus will be appointed to the Supreme
Court. I guess that is of less importance to non-Americans than the
further "preemptive" wars we will soon be waging. Just so you know, it
may become harder to communicate with me once Patriot Act 3 forces the
censorship of all communication in to and out of the country. I want
you to know that I have valued our friendship.

Good by for now,
- Dan

I wish Bush luck uniting such a divided country.


The Red Fork said...

I have to keep quoting Jon Stewart's interview in GQ, in which he was asked to come up with campaign slogans for Bush and Kerry.

Bush's: "I want you to be afraid, but not so afraid that you blame me for your fear."

Kerry's: "For fuck's sake!"

Check out www.marryanamerican.ca by the way, and open your nuptial bed to the poor Americans who must marry their way into Canada. I've taken the pledge, have you? Eh?

Mark said...


The front page of the Mirror was quite funny, lets see if this works:

The Mirror, 4rd Nov 2004