15 December 2004


Hello. Since I last posted, I handed in my last assignment, classes ended, Mark came and went, we hosted our Wine and Cheese extravaganza, and Edd arrived.

I have a final exam in a few hours, but I can't be bothered to study. I've done pretty well on the assignments in the class, and I looked at old copies of the final exam which are so easy... Basic common sense, really. So therefore, motivation is nil. But since Edd shipped himself off to London, Ontario to simultaneously visit relatives and allow me time to study, I should probably use that to my advantage.

BC People: I'll be back on Saturday afternoon, and raring to see you and do fun things.

T.O. People: I'll be back January 5th

Happy end of term, everyone!

1 comment:

The Red Fork said...

Oh god, I miss you! And it's only been two days! Tron! TRON!!