Last weekend, I accompanied Edward to London to visit some of his lovely extended family. Now, I was a wee bit hesitant to agree to go, not because I thought his relatives would be anything less than welcoming, but rather because I have a lot of school/project wrap-up work to tackle. But as soon as we arrived, all these thoughts fled from my head. Everyone was so enthusiastic and friendly, despite the bad weather and prevalence of winter-related aliments. Edd's second cousins, Sam and Matthew provided plenty of entertainment when we stayed at their lovely country home (yes, it's their house rather than their parents). We also went tubing at a nearby hill which was a lot of fun. I really miss interacting with the 'natural' environment; being constantly surrounded by so many human-made structures downtown and so little greenery is starting to really get to me, thus I was thrilled to escape it for a brief 2 days.
Anyway, here is Matthew lounging in a toy chest:

And Sam modeling his ultra-cool car:

Anyway, it's now the following weekend, and Leonard is here visiting so I am going to stop ignoring him now.
Yay! In a couple of months I too will meet my second cousins :) About bloody time.
Edwin is due to arrive in a few days. He asked me a few weeks (maybe months) ago : "hey, can we go tubing?"
Where the hell are we going to go tubing?
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