09 March 2007

I'm a Greek citizen! (And how fitting that this is my 100th post!)

Well, the title of this post essentially sums up my time in Greece, but allow me to expand somewhat. With only a few glitches along the way (which were resolved by some hearty handshaking at City Hall of Athens - thanks Dad!), my right to citizenship is now officially recognised by the Greek state. I'm giving off the impression that the process was a speedy one. Au contraire! It's taken over three years (incidentally, since Edward and I started dating) to have what the Greek government claim to be an inherent birthright officialised. Nevertheless, the end goal has been achieved and I am now officially a citizen of an EU country. Take that, French government with your xenophobic laws designed to make it as hard as possible for non-Europeans to live here. I can stay here as long as I want, and there's nothing you can do about it... (Ok, maybe there is something they can do...)

I did manage to sneak in some visiting with family during my week as well, which unfortunately, is a rare treat. Many people may not know this, but I'm actually an aunt to a charismatic and loving niece named Mary, and a intellectual ladykiller named Haris. As the passage of time between visits is always most evident with children, I was amazed to see how much they've both grown. Haris is now 20 and is doing exceptionally well. He has just started his studies at a private university in Athens, while Mary , 7-going-on-30 is the most mature and thoughtful girl I've met. She told me she had been worrying about how to communicate with me, as my Greek is rather pathetic these days, and then offered to give me private lessons! I also saw my dad after far too long, which was also wonderful. The trip was an all-around success (photos here) and I look forward to returning as soon as possible!


Anonymous said...

Krista, c'est Eric l'ami de Tracy B.

Est-ce que vous avez passee du temps dans la region de languedoc-rousilon? Si oui, comment est-ce que c'etais? Je vais y etre au mois de septembre pour ma lune de iel.

Felicitation sur ta citoyenete grecque!

Krista said...

Awww. Hello Eric! Your French is better than mine so I will respond in English to save myself the embarassement.

I haven't actually been there, but my Rough Guide France speaks very highly of it (well, as highly as Rough Guide ever gets). I have been to the Cote d'Azur however, and that was aesthetically stunning, although I could have done without the cheesiness. I hope you have a great time on your lune de miel! Felicitations!